2009年6月29日 星期一


病倒了,每逢晚上也發燒.... 是出了毛病吧....孤單的戰場,孤單的感覺又回來了.....很不喜歡...!

2009年6月28日 星期日


對!! 她就是圓圈仙子了!! 你未見過她嗎?? 她可不是element ar ~~~
圓圈仙子一看便知時喜歡作弄人~~~ 唉也!! 遇上了要快脫身吖~~~
遇上他, 不要被迷惑~~~~快逃!! 要不然被她作弄,永遠走不出那個圈子啊!!

-- 發送自我的 iPhone

A letter to MJ

Dear MJ,
U finally reach the heaven ? How's tat? Is it beautiful? Hv u find some frds... Glad to hear that u like tat place... Although u belongs to the stage , I wondered there must be a lots of fans waiting for u in heaven...
Believe it or not I didn't shock !! I think what you did was just like the song " Vincent " !! But as if tis is not your song . .. I'm not going to mention it in a long way...
You try so hard in your life... So you finally reach the place of peace... Wish u will live happily and I will always remember you ...

Noon @ hk on 28/6/09
( the day after you reached heaven)

-- 發送自我的 iPhone

2009年6月21日 星期日

Happy Father's day

Today is father's day..... parents are far away ... Seems tat they hv some issues to go with these days... Hope they are healthy and happy in the other side of the globe.... I love you both .... Dad: Happy Father's day ...:)

2009年6月17日 星期三

Two of a kind

U guys really looks like similar.... tat's y u can only be a .....copy cat ....and u lost yourself ... poor u ...:(

2009年6月13日 星期六

Happy Birthday to me ....

Today, is my birthday.... ^^ So lucky that it is on Sunday, so I can plan to go to Tai pei with my frds for few days.... Hope everything will be doing fine for me.....

I'm so happy tat I received soooooooo many greetings from my frds in Twitter and facebook...... some of them I even never thought of they will know my birthday.... thanks for all my frd's concern and warmful greetings, whoever u are, that little twit and little note, hv provide me a heartwarming msg ..... Thx^^

Seeya .... bye!

P.S I hope all my family members and my frds will have good health & happy ever... fooooo... candles blew..

2009年6月10日 星期三



突然想起很久之前看的一套電影,〔世上無賊〕,工作關係,經常要發掘人的善良一面,讓人們有更多機會從新面對缺失的自己或人或事......而這所謂人性善良一面,往往是埋藏於最簡單的本性之內......久而久之,自己也看事情和別人簡單了, 覺得世界本應無賊 ...... 真就是美.....

但原來,虛偽的人性並非只是保護網,反而往往是傷人的工具...... 原來我遇上太多善良人.... 自己已經不自覺地忽略了~~世上本應有賊......... 但是,我又有否必要蓋上保護網,去預防受賊人傷害呢?

只恐怕,保護裝備一旦穿上了,太舒服,從此就當上了是自己的皮膚....不再受傷害....可是,還是我嗎? 只怕距離能收能放的日子...仍然很遠...不懂就是不懂!

2009年6月8日 星期一


Have u ever make turns ? Have u ever turns around and see other ppl, observe their views? Try to listen to them and be empathetic? Have u ever regret what u have done and wants to start over again?

Points of view always different when u truns the picture, situation always change, if u see things in another angle.... When u expected there is a total turn over, sometimes, u have to start it all over again....

I always make turns.... try to wear other ppl's glasses,.. see how they saw things, felt how they feel.... but infact, it hurts....

Ppl always think that it is not easy to make turns.., if u decided to go straight... make turns is an obstacle.... have to paid for it... might get wrong.... but u will got a new ideas and perspective, if u turns around ....

U miss a block and u make turns .... Howabt in life ? How many ppl can make turns if they miss a chance? How many ppl can return to the beginning if the relationship have been mess up? Have u ever give others and yourself to have a second chance? To truns around and see again what u have missed?
Next time, do try more turns .....

2009年6月6日 星期六

My First Blog @ 6/6/09

My frd told me I can make a blog myself..... So , tat's it ... the first step... never too late... HAHA
It is also the first pic I took in Fukuoka... at 4:00am... Sooooo pretty that I can't even sleep...
I wish... some day , I could get over all my trouble and travel wherever I want ... with the one ... !


The call