Hvn't touch tis blog for yrs... Sudden recognized want to clear minds up, best way is to record it down... So.. I'm back..
After a not so function mind tonite.. I started to recognized ppl are more complicated than how we looks! ... ( Hmmnn.. I know it's old school.. But reli recognized it ..for me.. Is far frm easy....)
Dun know y top ppl always asking ppl to change ..hence the change on themselves won't too remarkable... But they've get top anyway.. Then they started to wind up abt ppl keeps stay at their comfort zone while they stay on their own feet!!
O my~~~ tat is so damn foolish..
I've watched a movie.. Can't recall the names... But there's a line said..: I'll try my best to make u top... As you are the one who taste how you fell, not me..."
This is soooo enlightened ..I'm low.. In hardship now.. But I'm not the one who fell ...anyway..
You'll gets wat you takes .. And if situation is not balance... U've got more than u takes ... Or you ask ppl to gives more then they should hv... Results back to u...
Cox .. I'm not the one who fell or fail... Thx for George ..XD it's a George coony's film..
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